Why should children go to kindergarten
In ‘ΠΑΙΖΩ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΘΑΙΝΩ’ we believe that the importance of kindergarten in the life and development of the child is now necessary. The importance of kindergarten is not limited to the need to care for children but contributes to the socialization and development of their skills, at an age so crucial for their development.
It has been proven that the children who come to ΠΑΙΖΩ ΚΑΙ ΜΑΘΑΙΝΩ have more knowledge, become independent, express themselves and develop better, adapt and face any difficulties more easily.
The child learns to cooperate, to share, to retreat when necessary, to test his strengths and to express his weaknesses, to be in the common program. The goal of all is for the child to love learning and to develop in a multifaceted and balanced way mentally, socially, emotionally, morally, mentally, aesthetically and physically.